
Vacations are supposed to be relaxing, so I’m told. Instead I find my fingers twitching and I’m eager to get back to my piles of fabric, dig right in and work until I fall asleep. Tomorrow I plan to attend a screening of Hannari ~ Geisha Modern at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco,…

Shibori musings III – it’s more than dots

So far I’ve posted several shibori fabrics that were primarily made up of dot patterns, which is a very common style of shibori. However, there are other techniques that are used to bind and dye cloth. Here are a few more examples. This is an example of ori-nui shibori, where thread is run through the…

Mini Meme

I wouldn’t normally do a meme on this blog, but I was tagged by my good blogging friend Dr. Zaius and couldn’t resist. I didn’t even have to think too hard to come up with the answer. But first… Here are the rules: 1. Write your own six word memoir. 2. Post it on your…

New in the store, Sashiko!

Brand spankin’ new in my Etsy store this week are just a small assortment of sashiko supplies, including sampler kits, needles, thread and thimbles. I’ll be getting more soon, but for the time being I hope you will peruse these little goodies and maybe add to your creative stash. These items are great if you’re…

We have a winner, and next month’s giveaway

Congratulations to Crunchy Green Mom who is this month’s Free Fabric Giveaway winner! I hope that with 6 kids and a full time job she can find the time to make something wonderful with her new fabric. The next giveaway will be Tuesday, April 8. All you have to do is post a reply on…

Shibori musings, part II

Ohmigosh! yes, I know, it’s almost Tuesday. Yes, that Tuesday. Free Fabric Tuesday. And where have I been while not blogging for the past week? Getting really excited about Fanime Con, a huge anime (Japanese animation) gathering in San Jose, CA May 23-26. I am very, very excited. Did I mention I am excited? I’ll…

Shibori musings, part I

After a long dry spell in coming up with threads to blog about, I awoke this morning with the awareness that I have more than enough fabric to blog about, I just forget that there are people out there who haven’t the faintest idea what shibori is, how it’s made, etc. much less understand what…