
I have been mentioned on the beautiful Ennui blog today. A blog of few words and many images, Ennui isn’t at all boring and really lit up my morning. I highly suggest taking a stroll through the collection of images there if you day is getting hectic and you need a breath of fresh air. It’s very peaceful and relaxing.

Temperatures here in the East Bay Area are in the 90’s, hot and dry and miserable for pale-skinned computer geeks like myself. Oddly enough, this tends to be the season when I start making scarves again. Either it’s forward thinking of me (fall is coming!) or very backward (it’s hot! let’s make scarves!). Either way, my friends in the Southern Hemisphere tend to benefit the most as it’s now fall in Sydney and Melbourne, time to be shopping for warm things. And let’s face it, summers in SF are pretty cold until at least August, so silk scarves are always in vogue.

New items will be up as soon as I can photograph them. There’s quite a backlog of items to list… I’m working diligently to update them all for you.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Katie says:

    I like working on scarves because they are simple -everyone knows what a scarf is so it allows you to play with colors and textures within the known boundaries; but I think looking forward is a good idea.

    1. Simplicity is a good thing, simple geometry even more so. Rectangles and squares, no problem! Curves… maybe not so much. And to be honest, I wear a lot of scarves. I think they add a touch of elegance with very little effort.

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