The week from Hades, continued

So we’re in California now. The house in Oregon was packed in about 3 days with some help from friends, and the kids and I headed south to stay with family.  The Etsy shop and website sales will be closed until further notice as I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get back to work. We’re helping my mother through a stressful passage, coping with the aftermath of pancreatic cancer that, even after being removed this summer, has spread and taken up residence in other organs despite the work of several physicians and the care of her family.

So, I’ll still keep posting when I can.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Noni says:

    We’re glad you arrived safe and sound. Hugs to the kiddos.

  2. Christina says:

    My goodness, sounds like life has been busy and emotional lately. I hope things get better soon. Bend will miss you, and I for one am not at all jealous of your move to the Bay Area. After living here in Bend for 4 yrs I don’t think I could take the stress unless I really needed to like you do.

    Please know your mom is in my prayers. My grandmother also had pancreatic cancer and I know it is very difficult for you right now.

    God Bless,

  3. Hi Noni, consider the kiddos hugged on your behalf.

    Thank you, Christina. Pancreatic sucks, doesn’t it?

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