An apology and an explaination

Here’s an apology to all of those who have emailed special orders, been waiting for a package to ship from me, or even just a reply to an email sent in the past week. There have been a few downturns in the ever spinning world of kimono life here at Chez Kimono, and I’ve been…

Some thoughts on being green

A loved one recently sent me a link to an essay written by a weatherman who essentially states that global warming is a scam perpetrated by Al Gore. While I prefer to err on the side of caution and support the idea of global warming (I tell the older generation “get back to me in…

For a good cause – AIDS Walk ’08

A friend of mine will be walking in the San Francisco AIDS Walk on July 20, 2008. Since I can’t be there myself, I will donate 50% of the sale of these scarves to sponsor him. I’ll be busy fringing more this weekend, but here are the first two to get you thinking about cool…

Upcoming events for July

For those of you in Oregon or planning a trip to Oregon in July, lucky, lucky you! I’ll be doing two events in July where you will have the opportunity to try on a kimono, have your own appraised, or buy yourself a beautiful vintage one and learn how to wear it. The first event…

Website woes

I’m driving myself ever so slightly round the bend trying to redo the KimonoMomo website on my own and have no idea when it will be finished. If I become totally baffled, I’ll be giving Cheri at Red Lime web design a call and get this site sorted. Her rates are very reasonable, but I’ve…

Free Fiber Giveaway for July

I’ll admit it, I’ve been at a total loss as to what to offer for July’s giveaway. I’ve avoided posting, felt guilty and foolish (not to mention unprepared), and finally came to the conclusion that I should simply offer a gift certificate for $10 good for anything in my Etsy shop. The winner will be…

Oh no!

I got so caught up in my children’s last day of school and need to clean the studio that I completely forgot to photograph the giveaway for July. Mia culpa. The June giveaway winner has been randomly picked (courtesy of and I am waiting to hear back from her before I announce her name….


Phase One of the KimonoMomo website overhaul as begun. If you notice any bad links, odd bugs or just have some feedback on the new look, please leave a post to let me know or drop me an email at carol [at] kimonomomo [dot] com. I have had many requests for kimono, obi and accessories,…

Happy Monday, readers

It’s almost Free Fiber Giveaway time! At midnight on Tuesday, June 10 I’ll be picking a random name from those of you who have left a reply anywhere on this blog in the past month. WordPress sorts them by date so I don’t have to search through posts trying to find them. Clever, eh? I’m…

The sun is shining, the birds are singing…

I’ve just returned from the Farmer’s Market with some yummy goodies (hooray for June!) and settled down to pick out some cottons for my sashiko project. I’ve decided to make a summer table cloth out of spare pieces of indigo and white fabrics. Some of these are bolt ends and irregular lengths, some have a…

Damp, dreary, and still waiting for spring.

Honestly, I’m wearing a coat as I’m sitting at the computer today. How ridiculous is that? This is June, after all, but we’ve only had four hot days so far this year. Damn this crazy high desert climate. Maybe it’s time to move again? I’ve lived in Central Oregon since 2002, which is longer than…